
Part of speech is the first basic grammar you need to learn !

Sometimes ! Some of people are wrong in learning english,they think that tenses in the first important matter they need to learn about but part of speech is the first one because we need to know how to arrange the sentences first before we know the pattern of those sentences…

So here i ‘ll tell you guys what part of speech is and how does it work!


Parts of speech consist of 8 kinds those are : noun,pronoun,verb,adjective,adverb,preposition,conjunction,interjunction

Noun (kata benda) is a word that shows objects, names of people, places, animals and plants, both visible and invisible.

Based on its form, nouns can be divided into two types, namely concrete noun and abstract noun.

a. Concrete noun, which is tangible and tangible noun that can be seen.

Example: Book, bag, table, car, cupboard, Tommy, Raisa, Surabaya, mosque, library, paint, dog, butterfly, flower, tree, jasmine, etc.

b. Abstract noun, which is a noun that is intangible and formless and unreal or cannot be seen.

Example: Wind, water, health, success, strength, happiness, sadness, freedom, weakness, etc.

Based on the number, noun can be divided into two types, namely countable noun and uncountable noun.

C. Countable noun, which is a countable noun, can be indicated by the use of a / an or the addition of the suffix -s / -es in the plural.

Example: Bag-bags, car-cars, cat-cats, brother-brothers, flower-flowers, etc.

D. Uncountable noun, which is a noun that cannot be counted and cannot be preceded by an / an.

Example: Rain, heat, water, snow, art, wind, milk, money, etc.

There are several nouns that do not use the -s / -es ending in a change from singular to plural.


Example: Man-men, mouse-mice, goose-geese, tooth-teeth, louse-lice, etc.

There are several nouns that have the same form in the singular and plural forms.

Example: Fruit, sheep, species, means, deer, series, etc.Pronoun (pronouns).

2. Pronoun (kata ganti benda) is a word used to replace noun (kata benda


a. Subject pronoun, namely pronoun (pronoun) which is used to replace noun (noun) which is located as a subject in a sentence.

Example: I, you, they, we, she, he, and it.

b. Complement pronoun, namely pronoun (pronoun) which is used to replace noun (noun) which is located as an object in a sentence.

Example: me, you, them, us, her, him, and it.

c. Possessive adjective, which is a pronoun used to indicate ownership.

Example: my, your, their, our, her, his, and its.

d. Possessive pronoun, which is a pronoun used to indicate ownership.

Example: mine, yours, theirs, ours, hers, his, and its.

e. Reflexive pronoun, which is a pronoun used to refer to oneself.

Example: myself, yourself, theirselves, ourselves, herself, himself, and itself.

f. Demonstrative pronoun, which is a pronoun (pronoun) used as a pointer.

Example: this, that, these, and those.

g. Relative pronoun, which is a pronoun used to connect clauses.

Example: that, what, who, when, where, which, who, and whose.

h. Reciprocal pronoun, which is a pronoun used to indicate a reciprocal relationship.

Example: each other and one another.

i. Interrogative pronoun, which is a pronoun used to ask a question.

Example: what, who, when, where, who, which.

j. Distributive pronoun, which is a singular and is always followed by a single verb.

Example: each, everything, none, neither, either, everyone, everybody, both, any, one, etc.

Im sorry here i just wanna tell you 2 parts of speech cause u you need to understand first then i’ll go on my article about part of speech…

That’s all from me ..hope you guys enjoy


Eid mubarak ?

Hi everybody! How’s ur life? It must be alright…

Ok.. !

today is 2nd day of celebration of ied mubarrak and have you known what should we say in this beloved eid …

If you haven’t known so i’ll tell you what should we say in this eid

Wanna know let’s check it out

Ok here i just wanna give you 6 sentences that you can use to say with your friend..


Learn at home for free

Well ..hi buddy! welcome to my site and enjoy it !

Hope yu guys feel happy  in this wonderful day (ied mubarrak) in this good chance i’ll tell you guys about my new site and in thus site i’ll tell you how to learn english for free at home easly and simply

Just so you know ..This is my 1st artikel I made so here i just wanna tell you guys how my site works

In this site i’ll give u many simple methods and lessons about english which is going to post everyday and it’ s about

1. How to get better in speaking english

2. Basic grammar for beginner

3. High grammar for advance

4. How to pronounce vocabularies correctly

5. Weekly question

6. Motivation

That’s all the lists that we are going to talk about later so if you wanna know further visit my site everyday and dont miss it!


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Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton
